Get To Know Us
We believe in Care that meets service users needs as they are fully involved in their Care and its arrangement.
We celebrate each Service User and support them to be an individual, to have their own social, emotional, spiritual, cultural, political and sexual needs accepted, supported and respected.
The service we provide is effective because:
- We employ the right staff who have the right knowledge, skills and qualifications to fulfil your wishes and to enable you through Care
- We will ask for your views and ideas about how you wish for your care and support to be provided and enable you to contribute to any proposed changes
- We will make information accessible in a way that you can understand, about your Care, medication and the services being offered and how you can tell us if there is something you do not like about our services.
- We will consult you on your wishes, history and preferences in the assessment and put this in your Care We will check this is up to date when your Care Plan is reviewed. We will make sure that your Care Plan is updated if your care needs change.
- We will ask for your informed consent to Care and any changes to it in all decisions about your Care.
- The principles of the Mental Capacity Act will be followed and we will ensure that, where you cannot give consent, best interest decisions will be made following the Mental Capacity Act principles
- We will keep information about you confidential and will tell you how we use your personal information, store it and how long we keep it for. You can talk to our Mr if you are concerned about your personal information
- You will be supported to achieve as much independence as possible, emotionally, physically, intellectually and socially and without unreasonable restrictions.
“We will always consult you, asking for your views and ideas regarding the delivery of your care.”
Our Philosophy of Care
We aim to:
*Offer skilled care to enable people supported by us to achieve their optimum state of health and well-being.
*Treat all people supported by us and all people who work here with respect at all times.
*Uphold the human and citizenship rights of all who work and visit here and of all Service Users.
*Support individual choice and personal decision-making as the right of all Service Users.
*Respect and encourage the right of independence of all Service Users.
*Recognise the individual uniqueness of Service Users, staff and visitors, and treat them with dignity and respect at all times.
*Respect individual requirement for privacy at all times and treat all information relating to individuals in a confidential manner.
*Recognise the individual need for personal fulfilment and offer individualised programmes of meaningful activity to satisfy that need of Service Users and staff.
We base our care around you as an individual. To help us to do that, we adhere to a set of important principles outlined below. If at any time you have any questions about these, or you feel that someone is not upholding them, please let the Registered Manager know.